
Literary & Debating Society

If you love books, writing, and talking about cool stuff, you’re in the right place. At our club, we’re all about getting together to read, write, debate, and just have a good time.


So, what’s our deal? Well, we’re not just about arguing (although we do enjoy a good debate). We’re also into all kinds of stories, whether they’re in books, poems, or even movies. Basically, if it’s got words, we’re interested. But here’s the coolest part: we’re not just about sitting around quietly reading. Nope, we like to talk about what we read, share our thoughts, and listen to what others have to say. It’s all about having awesome conversations and exploring new ideas.


WHY Join us?

So, what’s our deal? Well, we’re not just about arguing (although we do enjoy a good debate). We’re also into all kinds of stories, whether they’re in books, poems, or even movies. Basically, if it’s got words, we’re interested.

But here’s the good part: we’re not just about sitting around quietly reading, nope, we like to talk about what we read, share our thoughts, and listen to what others have to say. It’s all about having awesome conversations and exploring new ideas.



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