
Women Embracing,
and Leading in Femininity

We aim to provide solace, community and joy to the women of the Dominica State Collage.

About Us

Founded at the end of 2022, the EmpowHer Society boasts over 100 members. This elite non-profit women only club aims to encourage women and girls to be their own person, whatever that definition may be for them. It provides them with a safe space for self expression and vulnerable discussions.

Why Choose Us


Meet and interact with women and girls that are of like mind or challenge you to other perspectives. Be in a state of togetherness.


Gain information pertaining to your health, wellness and beauty regimens.

Self Confidence

Be the best version of yourselves. Implement tools learned at The EmpowHer Society to boost your self confidence.


Have lively conversations that leave you breathless from laughter

Member Testimonials

EmpowHER has provided me, a young and ambitious young woman in a society practically ran by men, with a safe space where I can surround myself with like minded young ladies. This society has without a doubt taught me how to be strong in my femininity and what being a woman really is a woman is strong, independent and competent.
-Jacinta Grant
To me EmpowHer is an opportunity to make my voice matter as a woman. It is space where my actions won't be judged by societal standards. It's union and safety.
-Gabriela Nápoles
Being a member of The EmpowHer society truly changed my overall approach to life for the better. Prior to joining the club and obtaining a leadership position I was incredibly shy an introverted but now I can advocate for myself and the club when needed- though I am still introverted. If you have the opportunity to join, I encourage you to do so.
-Zhana Joseph

Striving Towards A Better Future For Dominican Women

Done By: Zhana Joseph and Samara Stephen

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